Live centers, Changeable points live centers, Face driver, Dead center

Product features

1. Advanced new product of BN type.
2. Accuracy guaranteed to 0.003mm TIR (0.0001”)
3. Multi sealing (high performance lip seal and V-seal) protects from ingress by dust and coolant. 
4. Shorten maintenance time for automated CNC installations by longer product life.
5. Heat-treated point to HRc 60±2.
6. Heat-treated body for extra strength, rigidity and long life.
7. Carbide point available.
8. Carbide point to HRa 90±5.

Product Dimensions

Unit : mm, kg

MODEL MT A B C D E F G L Workpiece Weight Max, R.P.M Weight Max, Run Out
4 69 30 108 62.5 40 8 14 210.5 800 3800 2 0.003
5 88 38 136 79 50.5 8 18 265.5 2000 3000 4.5 0.003

* (MODEL NO) : Carbide Tip Type

Technical Data